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Tok FM - the best internet radio

TOK FM is a powerful and innovative ecosystem that gives us the ability to listen to broadcasts and podcasts anywhere: on the phone, in the car, online or on the radio. The app has several business models: ads, free trial period, subscription with monthly payment (in-app payment support, Google Pay and Apple Pay support).  


Check also the radio page.


2018 - Ongoing



Our tasks

UI, UX, Mobile Dev, CRM Dev



Project short story

What were the needs of the client related to the unification of style, the creation of a design system and styleguide technological changes, etc. etcForm of storytelling Suspendisse non orci lorem. Morbi commodo, diam mattis pulvinar ultrices, ipsum dolor sodales diam, et varius urna ex eget eros. Pellentesque sit amet justo ac turpis convallis posuere.Form of storytelling Suspendisse non orci lorem. Morbi commodo, diam mattis pulvinar ultrices, ipsum dolor sodales diam, et varius urna ex eget eros. Pellentesque sit amet justo ac turpis convallis posuere.

TokFM - Section 1.png

Main projects statements

Suspendisse non orci lorem. Morbi commodo, diam mattis pulvinar ultrices, ipsum dolor sodales diam, et varius urna ex eget eros. Pellentesque sit amet justo ac turpis convallis posuere.




Design System

Design system








Problem title

Problem description

Problem title

Problem description

Problem title

Problem description

Problem title

Problem description

Problems to solve

ENGLISH !!!! form of storytelling Suspendisse non orci lorem. Morbi commodo, diam mattis pulvinar ultrices, ipsum dolor sodales diam, et varius urna ex eget eros. Pellentesque sit amet justo ac turpis convallis posuere.

Unification process

EN Suspendisse non orci lorem. Morbi commodo, diam mattis pulvinar ultrices, ipsum dolor sodales diam, et varius urna ex eget eros. Pellentesque sit amet justo ac turpis convallis posuere.

Group (5).png


What goes into the process

Group (6).png

UI design

Design system, Hi-fi prototype

Group (7).png


Programming wow

Group (8).png

Testing and implementation

Introduction of new version

User Flow

Suspendisse non orci lorem. Morbi commodo, diam mattis pulvinar ultrices, ipsum dolor sodales diam, et varius urna ex eget eros. Pellentesque sit amet justo ac turpis convallis posuere.

Frame 31.png

Suspendisse non orci lorem. Morbi commodo, diam mattis pulvinar ultrices, ipsum dolor sodales diam, et varius urna ex eget eros. Pellentesque sit amet justo ac turpis convallis posuere.

Frame change

Suspendisse non orci lorem. Morbi commodo, diam mattis pulvinar ultrices, ipsum dolor sodales diam, et varius urna ex eget eros. Pellentesque sit amet justo ac turpis convallis posuere.

PlayNow - Section 9.png

Refreshed player

Suspendisse non orci lorem. Morbi commodo, diam mattis pulvinar ultrices, ipsum dolor sodales diam, et varius urna ex eget eros. Pellentesque sit amet justo ac turpis convallis posuere.

TokFM - Section 5.png
TokFM - Section 6.png


Access to a very large database of podcasts with an extensive search engine not only by phrase but also by guests, hosts and tags.

TokFM - Section 7.png

Podcast search engine

View podcasts of the selected day. Access information about the scheduled date and time of the podcast and access past broadcasts.

TokFM - Section 8.png


Ability to watch selected podcasts or a specific podcast host. Browse popular podcasts, queue selected ones, create your own lists to listen to or listen to live radio.


Suspendisse non orci lorem. Morbi commodo, diam mattis pulvinar ultrices, ipsum dolor sodales diam, et varius urna ex eget eros. Pellentesque sit amet justo ac turpis convallis posuere.

Placeholder (1).png
Placeholder (1).png
Placeholder (1).png
Placeholder (1).png
Placeholder (1).png
Placeholder (1).png
Placeholder (1).png
Placeholder (1).png

What we have received

A fully optimized and redesigned application that is popular with users. By rewriting the application to native programming languages, we have increased the overall speed of operation and reduced the bugs that appeared in the first version of the application.


Average rating on markets


Problems solved


Active users

Detail - Film 1 (2).png
TV - Channel - Live 2 (3).png
Home 2 (5).png
TV - EPG 2 (2).png
Detail - Kino 1 (2).png
N7 Mobile's output continues to be an important part of the client's online revenue stream.

Thanks to the team, the client's app also saw an increase in its Google Play and App Store score. They used the Scrum methodology for the project. Jira was utilized to constantly track work progress.

Roch Kudła

Online Development Director, Agora Radio Group

Check out our other projects